276 pages, 76,000 words
Copyright © Marquesate 2009
Paperback: ISBN 978-1-60820-461-8 (print)
eBook: ISBN 978-1-60820-462-5 (ebook)
Reviews appear on this page in chronological order
© Film Fan "yveythelibrarian" at Amazon
(December 2011)
those keenly awaiting Marquesate's latest offering 'Basic
Training', you will not be disappointed. It contains all the
trademarks of this author's unique style; tough men in a brutal
environment, snappy banter,impeccable attention to millitary
detail, and of course well plotted sex scenes. I also like
that her relationships always seem to take place over several
years. None of this 'instant attraction' stuff. I can attest
that Marquesate's knowledge of the British Armed Forces is
spot-on. The author charts the training and challenges that
it takes to rise through the ranks like a real insider. I
know a few currently serving who are impressed with the accuracy
of what is portrayed.
The homophobia
that is encountered by the younger character Chris Thompson,
is brutally real. The self-doubt and and the eventual self-acceptance
of Col "Bulldog Wilson , is equally well portrayed. He
is a tough , but sympathtic character and you relate to the
inner turmoli he is going through. However where the book
shows real maturity is in the development of a genuinely romantic
story. I do not want to give too much away, but it's a great
tale, and I really did not want to leave Col and Chris when
it came to the end. It's wonderful seeing a favorite author
develop and evolve, and Marquesate seems to improve with each
offering. This is tough with a soft centre, Marquesate's warmest
and human work to date, and thought provoking. Any one of
the author's books could withstand a sequel, and this is no
exception. Absolutely recommended!"
© Valentina Heart at The
Romance Reviews (full
review) (December 2011)
always liked reading about soldiers, the difficulties such
career entails and the necessary roughness all of them individually
present. I suppose it's that ever-present infatuation we civilians
have toward men who can take care of themselves and daily
protect others. Mouthwatering muscles, a knack for weapons
and the uniform don't hurt a bit, of course. (...)
The guys
are manly men, bone-headed and strong. While their road together
wasn't easy, there wasn't much conflict to spice up the story.
The sex was hot but not excessive and certainly not brutal.
In fact, other than one scene with bloody details of an attack,
the book never got any rougher and overall is a rather sweet.
The progress of their relationship is very slow and stretches
over a few years, where it's pretty easy to follow their personal
growth and that road to the eventual happy ending.(...)
not amazing to the point of speechlessness, this book is still
one of the best m/m soldier books out there and it should
definitely be on the subject fans' reading list."
© Jen at Well
Read (Excellent) (full
review) (November 2011)
been two years since the release of the rather excellent Her
Majesty's Men, the last book by this author, but I was so
impressed by that book that I've hung in there waiting for
a new book to be published. Basic Training is that book, and
in my opinion the two years have been worth the wait, especially
as this book shows some increased maturity in the style of
writing from this author. (...)
were two things in particular that struck me about the story,
and which added greatly to my enjoyment of the book as a whole.
Firstly, I enjoyed following the unfolding of the relationship
between the two men, especially in Col's emotional journey
towrads accepting his homosexuality. Those of you who may
have read Marquesate's other books will know that her men
are rough and tough; find it difficult to express emotion;
and engage in almost brutal sex with each other. Whilst the
first two are certainly the case here, the third element was
very much toned down from previous books. Col's one of these
men who prefers not to think about emotional mushy stuff,
and definitely feels uncomfortable talking about his feelings.
As a result he tends to adopt the 'think about it later' way
of facing up to things which concern him, such as his changing
views on his own sexuality. I loved the gradual way that Col
deals with these difficult for him issues, and especially
the small steps towards accepting himself. Some of my favourite
scenes in the book were when Col really thought through his
jumbled emotions, or when he bit the bullet and spoke to others.
However, when in private with Chris, he does let his guard
down and the sex between them was quite beautifully tender
in places, whilst also containing some of the roughness that
this author is known for. They matched so well as a couple,
both of them riddled with their own insecurities and hang-ups
whilst providing a solid support to the other. It was more
than love or romance, it was friendship, comradeship and a
solid foundation for a life long relationship and I loved
reading about it.
The second
aspect which I really liked about this book was the way that
the life of a Royal Marine was so ingrained through every
thought and action of both the main characters. There's enough
detail given to understand the life of a soldier - both during
the basic training and then on into a career in the Royal
Marines - but not so much that I felt overwhelmed by knowledge
that wasn't important to the story."
© bill_m at Amazon
review) (October 2011)
is a timely story, with the demise of DADT in the US military,
and it's well-written and realistic. (...) even if you've
no military experience you will easily and surely enjoy this
story, although the m/m romance element may not be for everyone.
If you have military experience - and are at least flexible
and forward-looking in your perspective (i.e., not a confirmed
homophobe or fearful of gays serving in the military) - you'll
be pleasantly surprised at the realism and sympathy for military
training found here. (...) Give this one a chance - it's very,
very good."
© haywire at Amazon
(October 2011)
you started reading Marquesate because of the Special Forces
epic or of the novel Her Majesty's Men or of the short stories
that have appeared here and there, Friendly Fire (in mostly
dreadful company in a collection also called Special Forces
for what reason heaven only knows), For Queen and Country
or Code of Honour, in 'Basic Training' you will find what
you have come to like about the author: strong, believable
characters, gritty story lines, a military setting that rings
entirely true and, above all where I am concerned, stories
that are true to themselves; oh yes, and some rather hot m/m
sex too.
Training' is the story of Col, a sergeant in the Royal Marines
and Chris a recruit who is determined to make it through the
mud because he has a point to prove. Against the backdrop
of the gruelling 31 week training a relationship develops
against all odds and, after the most audacious of all the
boneheaded things Chris does, the two, very much to Col's
surprise, become a couple. Against the rough military background,
this is a real love story and one that works. Col and Chris
are in most ways unlikely lovers. There is the age difference,
14 years. There is the military environment; different ranks
are not supposed to have relationships in the military and
you certainly are more likely as a recruit in special forces
training to want to stay out of your terrifying sergeant's
sights than to want to get to know him more closely. There
is the difference in their backgrounds and educations...But
against the odds the relationship develops and here Marquesate
pulls off a master stroke. It would be easy to hit the false
tone when these alpha soldiers are out of their natural element
and have to start interacting as lovers and then as a couple.
Instead she gets it just right. Col is her voice here and
his surprise and ironic view of his own feelings and actions
provides the needed distance and prevents any false sentimentality.
These men are suddenly dealing with emotions, with feelings
for each other and it's completely uncharted territory for
them for which their training has made them less fit perhaps
than most. I defy anyone, male or female, to remember their
first time in love and the heady, silly, clumsy and sometimes
downright make-you-blush corny behaviour that went with it
and not to share a rueful chuckle with Col. While the story
has warm, touching and even funny moments there is, in true
Marquesate style, plenty of grit too and homophobia as well
as the deadly reality of soldiers' lives in the time of war
in Afghanistan raise their heads and provide a realistic setting
that has a direct impact on the two protagonists' happily
ever after.
is probably the sunniest of Marquesate's stories so far. A
feel good story that has deceptive depth and characters that
are well developed, even the lesser ones like Chris' aunt
and uncle. Definitely worth the wait and definitely a novel
that I want as a book on my shelves."